Chatswood West Flower Delivery

Send beautiful flowers and gifts to Chatswood West. Whether for birthdays, mothers day, valentines day or any other occasion, we can deliver to Chatswood West. Check out our gorgeous creations today.

Chatswood West Name Origin

Chatswood was named after Charlotte Harnett, wife of then Mayor of Willoughby and a pioneer of the district, Richard Harnett, and the original 'wooded' nature of the area. The moniker derives from her nickname 'Chattie' and was shortened from Chattie's Wood to Chatswood.

Chatswood West Settlement History

Settlement of the area dates from the late 1790s. Population was minimal until the late 1800s, with growth from the 1870s into the early 1900s. Significant residential and commercial development occurred during the 1950s and 1960s, aided by public housing construction. The population was relatively stable during the 1990s, and then increased slightly between 2001 and 2011, a result of new dwellings being added to the area, particularly medium density housing.

Chatswood West Features

Major features of the area include Lane Cove National Park, Macquarie Hospital, North Ryde Golf Club, CSIRO Riverside Corporate Park, Northern Suburbs Crematorium, Blenheim Park, Greenwood Park, Gwandalan Reserve, Magdala Park, North Ryde Common, North Ryde Park, Nundah Reserve, Pindari Park, Wallamatta Nature Reserve, North Ryde School of Arts Community Centre, the Great North Walk and a number of schools.

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