Kirribilli Flower Delivery

Send beautiful flowers and gifts to Kirribilli. Whether for birthdays, mothers day, valentines day or any other occasion, we can deliver to Kirribilli. Check out our gorgeous creations today.

Kirribilli Name Origin

Kirribilli is thought to be named from an Aboriginal word meaning 'good fishing spot'.

Kirribilli Settlement History

Settlement of the area dates from 1806 when a farm was established on the banks of Sydney Harbour. Many large houses were built from the 1840s to the 1870s, with development mainly along the waterfront. Some growth occurred in the early 1900s, following the opening of the North Shore railway line, although some houses and public buildings were demolished in the mid 1920s to make way for the approaches to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Growth surged from the 1930s, spurred by the dramatic improvement in access to the City brought about by the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Many apartment buildings were constructed in the 1930s. Significant growth occurred in the post-war years. The population generally declined slightly from the early 1990s, a result of little change in dwelling stock.

Kirribilli Features

Major features of the area include the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Admiralty House, Kirribilli House, Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, Sydney Flying Squadron, Ensemble Theatre, Dr Mary Booth Lookout, Stanton Lookout, Milson Park, Colindia Reserve, Beulah Street Wharf, Jeffrey Street Wharf, Kirribilli Point, Wudyong Point, North Sydney Circle Walk, Loreto Kirribilli School and St Aloysius' College.

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