Marrickville South Flower Delivery

Send beautiful flowers and gifts to Marrickville South. Whether for birthdays, mothers day, valentines day or any other occasion, we can deliver to Marrickville South. Check out our gorgeous creations today.

Marrickville South Name Origin

Marrickville is named after an early property in the area, which was named after Marrick, a village in North Yorkshire, England.

Marrickville South Settlement History

Settlement of the area dates from 1794 when the first land grant was made. Land was used mainly for farming and market gardening. Population was minimal until the 1850s. Residential and industrial growth took place from the 1880s into the 1920s, aided by the opening of the railway line and the establishment of a brickworks business. Many apartments and units were built from the 1950s, while some industries closed or decentralised. The population declined slightly between 1996 and 2006, and then increased marginally between 2006 and 2011 as new dwellings were added to the area.

Marrickville South Features

Major features of the area include the commercial areas along Wardell Road, Marrickville Golf Club, The Debbie and Abbey Borgia Recreation Centre, H J Mahoney Memorial Park, Louisa Lawson Reserve, Mackey Park, McNeilly Park, Steel Park, Tom Kenny Reserve, Warren Park, Waterplay Park, Richardsons Lookout, Dibble Avenue Waterhole, the Cooks River, the Dulwich Hill and Marrickville railway stations and several schools.

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