Port Botany Flower Delivery

Send beautiful flowers and gifts to Port Botany. Whether for birthdays, mothers day, valentines day or any other occasion, we can deliver to Port Botany. Check out our gorgeous creations today.

Port Botany Name Origin

Cook's journals first referred to the bay as Sting Rays' Harbour, then later Botanist Bay and finally both these names were crossed out and replaced with Botany Bay. The suburb name comes from the bay it stands on.

Port Botany Settlement History

Settlement of the area dates from the early 1800s, with land used mainly for farming. Industrial and residential growth took place during the late 1800s and into the early 1900s. The Eastlakes were a water source for Sydney during the late 1800s. Port Botany was established in 1930, and expanded in the 1970s. Significant residential growth took place during the post-war period, with much high density development from the 1960s. The population generally increased from the mid 1990s as new dwellings were added to the area, particularly medium and high density housing on sites that were formerly used for industry.

Port Botany Features

Major features of the area include the northern part of Port Botany (Patrick Container Terminal), Westfield Eastgardens Shopping Centre, Eastlakes Shopping Centre, Southpoint Shopping Centre, Botany Aquatic Centre, Bonnie Doon Golf Club, Botany Golf Club, Eastlake Golf Club, part of The Lakes Golf Club, Sir Joseph Banks Park, Sir Joseph Banks Pleasure Gardens, Hensley Athletic Field, Botany Wetlands, Arthur Park, Astrolabe Park, Booralee Park, Bridget Tight Reserve, Chant Reserve, Dacey Gardens, David Phillips Field, Devitt Place Reserve, Dransfield Avenue Reserve, Eastlakes Reserve, Edmund Thornton Reserve, Elliot Place Reserve, Firmstone Reserve, Flack Avenue Reserve, Flint Street Reserve, Florence Avenue Reserve, Gaiarine Gardens, Garnet Jackson Reserve, Glanville Avenue Reserve, Glen McEnalley Reserve, Grace Campbell Reserve, Griffith Park, Haig Reserve, Harris Reserve, Holloway Street Reserve, Jauncey Place Reserve, Jellicoe Park, Jerome Dowling Reserve, L’Estrange Park, Leon Lachal Reserve, Morgan Street Reserve, Muller Reserve, Mutch Park, Nilson Avenue Reserve, Ocean Bush Park, Rhodes Street Reserve, Rowland Park, Templeman Crescent Reserve, Tierney Avenue Reserve, Vernon Avenue Reserve, Wall Reserve, Foreshore Beach, Mill Stream Lookout, Eastlakes, various industrial and business parks and numerous schools.

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