Riverwood Flower Delivery

Send beautiful flowers and gifts to Riverwood. Whether for birthdays, mothers day, valentines day or any other occasion, we can deliver to Riverwood. Check out our gorgeous creations today.

Riverwood Name Origin

Settlement of the area dates from 1810 when the first land grant was made. The US Army had a hospital in the area from 1942 to 1945, which was taken over by the Royal Australian Navy. After the Second World War the site passed to the NSW Housing Commission and the army’s timber huts were used to ease the post-war housing shortage. Significant development occurred during the 1950s when the Housing Commission began to build medium and high density housing complexes. The population declined slightly from the early 1990s, a result of little change in dwelling stock and a decline in the average number of persons living in each dwelling.

Riverwood Settlement History

Settlement of the area dates from 1810 when the first land grant was made. The US Army had a hospital in the area from 1942 to 1945, which was taken over by the Royal Australian Navy. After the Second World War the site passed to the NSW Housing Commission and the army’s timber huts were used to ease the post-war housing shortage. Significant development occurred during the 1950s when the Housing Commission began to build medium and high density housing complexes. The population declined slightly from the early 1990s, a result of little change in dwelling stock and a decline in the average number of persons living in each dwelling.

Riverwood Features

Major features of the area include Salt Pan Creek Wetlands, Bennett Park, Bland Oval, Kentucky Road Reserve, Lance Hutchinson Oval, McLaughlin Oval, Rotary Park, Whitmarsh Park, Wise Reserve, Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre, Riverwood Skate Park and two schools.

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