Rose Bay North Flower Delivery

Send beautiful flowers and gifts to Rose Bay North. Whether for birthdays, mothers day, valentines day or any other occasion, we can deliver to Rose Bay North. Check out our gorgeous creations today.

Rose Bay North Name Origin

Rose Bay is named after The Right Honourable George Rose, joint Secretary to the British Treasury.

Rose Bay North Settlement History

Settlement of the area dates from the 1830s, although population was minimal until the late 1800s. Land was used mainly for farming and market gardening. Rapid growth took place during the 1880s and 1890s. Expansion continued during the early 1900s, the interwar period and the immediate post-war years. The population has increased gradually since the early 1990s, a result of new dwellings being added to the area, particularly high density housing.

Rose Bay North Features

Major features of the area include The Royal Sydney Golf Club, Woollahra Golf Club, Plumer Road Shopping Village, various retail areas along the main roads, Rose Bay Marina, Bungaree Reserve, Dumaresq Reserve, Lyne Park, Pannerong Reserve, Percival Park, Rose Bay Park, Tingira Memorial Park, Woollahra Park, Cranbrook Sports Ground, Woollahra Playing Fields, Rose Bay Wharf, Sydney Seaplane Base, Rose Bay Promenade, Sydney Croquet Club, Lyne Park Tennis Centre, Woollahra Sailing Club, Cranbrook Junior School, Kambala Anglican Girls School, Rose Bay Public School and McAuley Catholic Primary School.

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