Rozelle Flower Delivery

Send beautiful flowers and gifts to Rozelle. Whether for birthdays, mothers day, valentines day or any other occasion, we can deliver to Rozelle. Check out our gorgeous creations today.

Rozelle Name Origin

Rozelle is named after Rozelle Bay, which is thought to be named after the parrots (rosellas) originally seen in the area.

Rozelle Settlement History

Settlement of the area dates from 1800 when the first land grant was made. Population was minimal until the mid 1800s, with land used mainly for farming. Rapid residential and industrial growth took place during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Glebe Island was a major port until 2008. Gentrification occurred from the 1980s, with many former industrial properties redeveloped into housing during the late 1990s. The population increased from the mid 1990s as new dwellings were added to the area, with the most substantial growth between 1996 and 2001. Most of the recent development has been high density housing.

Rozelle Features

Major features of the area include the Darling Street commercial area, Glebe Island and White Bay (port facility), Rozelle Bay Superyacht Marina, Sydney Heritage Fleet, Sydney Boathouse, Bridgewater Park, Dickson Green, Elliott Park, Waterdale Park, Constellation Playground, Easton Park, Hannan Reserve, King George Park, O’Connor Reserve, Rozelle Common, Hannaford Community Centre, The Bay Run, Sydney Community College and two schools.

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